Catt Sadler addresses members of the media during the luncheon celebrating NAKED With Cat Sadler.
MALIBU, CALIFORNIA (LA ELEMENTS) 6/6/2019 -“This has been a new season of my life, very much a new chapter for me professionally,” says entertainment reporter and film producer, Catt Sadler. “I’m finally birthing my podcast, Naked, which I know you’re all here to help me celebrate today. These conversations have already exceeded my wildest dreams because they’re exactly what I hoped they would be. Very raw. Very real. These compelling conversations with these kick ass women from all industries.”
Sadler made her remarks during a private luncheon at the Shiseido Malibu Beach House on Sunday, June 2, 2019. The serenity of the ocean provided the perfect beach party atmosphere for an event dedicated to getting real with oneself in a fun and playful way. Naked With Cat Sadler, will run for 40 minutes, once a week. High-profile women such as journalist Lisa Ling and country singer Jana Kramer, are slated to be featured on the podcast. The format for the interviews has each guest join Sadler in her bedroom. Yes, you read that correctly, her bedroom. Both Sadler and guest will “get naked” by removing a personal item. It could be a wedding ring, an article of clothing, whatever they desire. In doing so, inhibitions are shed and guests are free to discuss what they please with Sadler. Think of it as a sleepover with your best friend-and her film crew!
Among the celebrated media attending the NAKED With Catt Sadler luncheon, were staff from People Magazine and US Weekly. Guests dined on crush albacore salad with bok choy and lemongrass sambal. Refreshment offerings included classic mimosas and sparkling sake. Presenting sponsor, Shiseido, had everyone covered as each guest went home with a gift bag containing the powerful duo of Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protection Lotion and Shiseido Clear Stick UV Protector.

Pictured here: Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protection Lotion with 50 + SPF.
We had the chance to talk to Sadler and true to the spirit of Naked, nothing was off the table in this exclusive interview.
What was your inspiration for the Naked With Catt Sadler Podcast?
“I was craving a conversation base that was stripped down of all of the manufactured headline driven superficial conversations in media today. So I wanted a real safe space in my bedroom to exchange with remarkable women the fascinating stories across all industries. I wanted to go a little deeper, have them be a little more honest with themselves. The point of that was that I think so many of us are walking around feeling a little alone , or all this pressure , or all this… we have to be all these many things we as women and mothers. It’s a lot of stress on us these days because of all the things that are being thrown at us. I wanted to kind of undo that a little bit and I think the audience will feel more comfortable in their own skin and feel less alone after they hear these conversations.”
Gender issues are very much a hot topic of discussion. As the mother of two boys, are there any lessons in particular that you are trying to teach to your sons?
“I don’t know if what I’m trying to teach them is any different today than it would have been ten years ago. Let’s start with the fundamentals of just respect and kindness and compassion to all humankind. I mean, that’s key. I continuously try to inspire them to follow their dreams, and be their best selves and follow their passions and what not. But, you’d be surprised. I will say, I think because of social media and because of the climate in which we live, they’re pretty savvy. When I left my job over a pay disparity issue and I was spelling it out to my oldest son and explaining why mom might leave her job, to him it was so black and white. He’s like, ‘But you do that job and he does that job, that’s not fair’ So, I really have faith in this next generation that they are seeing things more clearly than maybe we are or did just because they haven’t been privy to the culture that that we used to subscribe to which was, ‘Women are less,’ or ‘Women shouldn’t be paid as much,’ or we’re inferior to men, all of that. From all standpoints, I think the next generation, well , I have to give them a lot of credit because they’re aware of all of that.”
You touched on something that I wanted to address and that is the issue with the pay disparity over at the E network between yourself and Jason Kennedy. How did you first discover that there was a pay disparity? (Editor’s note: Catt Saddler departed from E Entertainment after discovering that her E News cohost Jason Kennedy was making “double” her salary)
“I had a female executive come to me at a closed door meeting and say she needed to speak to me and she revealed it to me at that time.”
As far as taking action, that must have been kind of scary for you because quite frankly, you had what many would consider to be a dream job. But it seems something else was much more important.
“It wasn’t scary at first, because once I found out the truth, I was if anything a little infuriated and a little angry and embarrassed that I didn’t know better, and I didn’t know about this. After some research then confirming the disparity, I thought that the network would do the right thing because I thought, ‘Oh, I have the right information now, so now I know what to ask for and I will negotiate that coming up.’ And it never happened. I asked for what I knew I deserved and what was fair and they denied me that. In their opinion, it was too much of a jump from what I has been making. So I left and that was scary. That was the scary part. Standing up for myself, walking away from a secure job, being a single mom with two kids and then even choosing to speak to it publicly. That was all very scary because you don’t know how people are going to respond.
We’re glad that you continue to speak out publicly about your experience. We know how helpful that could be for other women who might be dealing with a similar situation. We look forward to listening to your podcast.

Catt Sadler
Cover photo and all other photography courtesy of @JennJPhoto
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